Founded in 1945, the Dr. Martens quickly became the shoe of the working class in Great Britain and later - especially among young people - a cult object. Today, the well-known 8 or 10 hole boots are worn by a wide variety of groups. Punks, techno lovers, models, pop stars and we too are enthusiastic about the timeless design and durability. The brand has always embodied rebellion and individuality. Under the hashtag #toughasyou, she promotes exactly that and wants to know what 'tough' means nowadays.
Wrenlie Fisherman Sandal | TanWrenlie Fisherman Sandal | Tan

Dr. Martens

Wrenlie Fisherman Sandal | Tan

Jorge II Clog | Savannah TanJorge II Clog | Savannah Tan

Dr. Martens

Jorge II Clog | Savannah Tan

Founded in 1945, the Dr. Martens quickly became the shoe of the working class in Great Britain and later - especially among young people - a cult object. Today, the well-known 8 or 10 hole boots are worn by a wide variety of groups. Punks, techno lovers, models, pop stars and we too are enthusiastic about the timeless design and durability. The brand has always embodied rebellion and individuality. Under the hashtag #toughasyou, she promotes exactly that and wants to know what 'tough' means nowadays.

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